Terms of Use


Table of Contents

A. Definitions

B. General rules

1. Purpose of the website

2. Applicability and binding force

3. Creating a User Account

4. Use of the Platform

5. Proper and safe use of the Website and Platform

6. General Terms and Conditions of Sale

7. Forbidden items

8. Limitation of liability

9. Intellectual property rights

10. Content moderation

11. Data Protection

12. Force Majeure

13. Modifications

14. Entire agreement

15. Use of Cookies

16. Applicable law and jurisdiction

17. Contact

Terms of Use

These are the Terms of Use of www.squibblle.com owned and operated by JNZ Dynamics bv, with registered office in Gentsesteenweg 12A, 9230 Wetteren (Belgium) registered in the Belgian Register of legal entities under number BE 0805.697.538, (hereinafter: “SQUIBBLLE”).

Please be sure to read these Terms of Use carefully since any use of the Website and Platform constitutes your acceptance of the Terms of Use set out herein. These Terms of Use are applicable to any access and use of the Website and Platform by registered users (vendors and buyers), i.a. to the creation of an account, the posting of content and the use of the Platform.

Upon creation of an account, you confirm to have read and accepted these Terms of Use. Visiting the Website, creating an account on the Platform, signing in to an account and any other use of the Website also constitutes acknowledgement and acceptance of these Terms of Use.

A. Definitions

In these Terms of Use, unless the context indicates otherwise, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning indicated below:

Website”: the website owned and operated by SQUIBBLLE, with the following URL: www.squibblle.com;

Platform”: the User area on the Website, which includes i.e. the User Forum, the Social Media Platform and the Webshop;

User”: the person who created a User Account (as a Vendor or as a Customer) on the Platform;

Vendor Account:


    • Create Listings: Vendors can create listings for products or services they offer. They can add details such as images, descriptions, pricing, and shipping information.

    • Manage Inventory: Vendors can track their inventory, update stock levels, and manage product variations (sizes, colors, etc.).

    • Process Orders: Vendors receive notifications of orders placed for their products or services. They can then process these orders, pack items, and prepare them for shipping.

    • Communicate with Customers: Vendors can communicate with customers regarding orders, product inquiries, or any other support-related issues.

    • View Analytics: Many platforms provide vendors with analytics tools to track sales, revenue, and customer behavior.

    • Set Policies: Vendors can set their own policies regarding shipping, returns, and refunds.

Customer Account:


    • Browse Products: Customers can browse through the listings provided by vendors, filtering and searching for specific products or services.

    • Place Orders: Customers can add items to their shopping cart and proceed to checkout to place orders for products or services.

    • Track Orders: Once an order is placed, customers can track its status, including shipping updates and delivery estimates.

    • Leave Reviews: Customers can leave reviews and ratings for products or services they have purchased, helping other potential buyers make informed decisions.

    • Communicate with Vendors: Customers can reach out to vendors with inquiries about products, orders, or any other issues.

    • Manage Account: Customers can manage their account information, including shipping addresses, payment methods, and preferences.

Social Media Platform”: a certain section on the Platform where Customers and Vendors can post Content;

Webshop”: the area on the Website that allows Customers and Website Visitors to browse, select, and purchase products.

Content”: the content uploaded by a User on the Website and Platform which can consist of text, photo’s, video’s,…

Customer(s)”: a User who has a registered account on the Platform as Customer allowing him/her to use the User Forum, the Social Media Platform and the Webshop;

Personal Data”: any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person;

“Customer Account”: a User who is registered as Customer on the Platform;

Vendor Account”: a User who is registered as Vendor on the Platform;

Vendor(s)”: a vendor is a User who sells goods and/or services, whether as a natural person or as a legal entity;

Website Visitor”: anyone who accesses the Website without being registered as a User.

B. General rules

1. Purpose of the website

1.1. The Website is an intermediate platform that brings together Customers and Vendors. Additionally, it features a social media community allowing direct communication between Customers and Vendors.

1.2. Vendors can list their own products and/or services on the Website for sale, while Customers can make purchases of products and/or services through the Platform.

1.3. Users act in their name and for their own account.

2. Applicability and binding force

2.1. These Terms of Use apply to every User and Website Visitor. 

2.2. Any use of the Website and Platform constitutes your acknowledgement and acceptance of the Terms of Use set out herein.

2.3. These Terms of Use define and regulate the legal relationship between SQUIBBLLE and the User(s) and among Users.

3. Creating a User Account

3.1. In order to use the Platform, Website Visitors need to create a User Account. This involves filling out the registration form on the Website for Customers or for Vendors.

3.2. To create a User Account you must meet the following requirements:

a) You must be at least 18 years old;
Minors under the age of 18 and at least 13 years old are permitted to use the Platform only with the account of a parent or legal guardian, provided they have obtained explicit consent and are under direct supervision.

b) Register with accurate information;
Using false information or unauthorised use of a third party’s identity, the use of proxies and the use of temporary e-mail addresses are not allowed.

3.3. According to European legislation (e.g. Data Services Act & DAC7), Vendors must complete the following details in the registration form:

For legal entities:


    • Company name, trade name, address, phone number and e-mail address;

    • Company number, VAT-number and registered office location;

    • Declaration in which traders confirm that they only offer products or services that comply with European legislation;

    • Copy of identification document;

    • Bank account details (incl. the account holder).

For natural persons:


    • Name and first name;

    • Address;

    • National registration number or, if not available, place of birth;

    • VAT-number (for self-employed individuals);

    • Date of birth;

    • Bank account details (incl. name of the account holder).

As long as the information is not completed or not fully filled in, the User Account cannot be activated.

3.4. Upon registration, Users have to accept the Terms of Use set out herein by ticking the appropriate box.

3.5. SQUIBBLLE reserves the right to accept or refuse the registration. The registration may be refused for, but not limited to, the following reasons:


    • The User does not provide the data asked for identification or the User provides in incomplete or incorrect data;  

    • The User tries to register several or multiple times by using different names;   

    • The User makes unauthorised use of a third party’s identity;   

    • The User does not comply with the obligations set out in these Terms of Use, did not comply with them in the past or SQUIBBLLE can reasonably assume that he will not comply with them in the future;   

    • Any other reason under which SQUIBBLLE can reasonably judge that Registration may not be accepted. 

3.6. Following registration as a User, the User’s Account will become active after acceptance of the Terms of Use and the Privacy and Cookie Policy. In the case of a Vendor, the acceptance of registration is subject to an assessment to verify all the details provided by the vendor. The activation of the Account will be confirmed by an e-mail to the User’s email address. This will provide User with a login (email address) and a password (generated by SQUIBBLLE). Afterwards, User will gain access to the Platform to, inter alia, manage Personal Data, place content, post messages, etc.

3.7. Users can terminate their Account by sending an email to support@squibblle.com.

4. Use of the Platform

4.1. Use of the Platform is reserved solely for Users. 

4.2. The User is responsible for all posted Content. Content which is protected by intellectual property rights of third parties may not be used without prior consent of the rightholder of the intellectual property.

4.3. The User warrants not to add misleading information or misleading Content, capable of creating misunderstanding concerning the displayed content.

4.4. The User warrants not to post content that is in violation of human rights or in violation of public morality, nor to post content that is capable of inciting discrimination or directly and indirectly damaging SQUIBBLLE. This applies, but not exclusively, to the messages sent by User to other Users.

4.5. SQUIBBLLE expressly reserves the right to change, at any time and without prior notice, the content of the Website (including hyperlinks) and information entered by Users, as well as the right to compare such content to check its accuracy and verify it with third parties.

4.6. SQUIBBLLE reserves the right to remove any Content from the Website. This applies in particular, but not exclusively, to dangerous, prohibited and harmful Content. Content that does not classify within the Website’s purpose and to Content which is an infringement on the copy rights or intellectual property rights of other Users or third parties.

4.7. All details about content moderation can be found in our Content Moderation Policy which constitutes an integral part of these Terms of Use.

5. Proper and safe use of the Website and Platform

5.1. The User and Website Visitors undertake to:


    • Use the Website and Platform in accordance with these Terms of Use and the Privacy and Cookie Policy;

    • Behave as a responsible and diligent internet user and keep his User Account up-to-date;

    • Refrain from actions capable of damaging SQUIBBLLE in any way;

    • Refrain from registering multiple accounts by using different names; 

    • Provide correct, accurate, complete and up-to-date Personal Data; 

    • Refrain from logging in to User Accounts belonging to a third party;

    • Ensure the confidentiality of his login and password and prevent third parties of logging in to his User Account;  

    • Notify SQUIBBLLE immediately of any unauthorised use of his login and password; 

    • Report to SQUIBBLLE immediately any (potential) breach of security of the Website; 

    • Refrain from violating, copying, distributing or selling to a third party his login and password or any technical security measure on the Website; 

    • Disrupt in no way the access to and use of the Website; 

    • Protect his software, IT and telecommunications systems against viruses and all other possible risks, including but not limited to hacking;

    • Refrain from posting Content which contains counterfeited objects and infringements on the copy rights and intellectual property rights of third parties. 

5.2. SQUIBBLLE reserves the right to close User’s Account immediately, unilaterally, definitively and without prior notice and to refuse User’s access to the Website, upon breach of these Terms of Use by User and without the possibility to appeal.

6. General Terms and Conditions of Sale
If the Vendor operates within the European Union, they have the option to employ either their own terms and conditions or utilize the standard terms and conditions of sale provided by SQUIBBLLE
If the Vendor is located outside the European Union, the Vendor shall use their own terms and conditions.
The Vendor shall, in any case, ensure that their terms and conditions comply with the relevant laws and regulations.

7. Forbidden items
We enforce a strict policy regarding prohibited items, particularly those that promote hate or violence, or are unlawful. Vendors who breach these terms may have their accounts suspended or terminated without delay.
Forbidden items are:

Alcohol, tobacco, drugs, drug paraphernalia, medications and medical equipment, and items making medical claims: e.g.:
1. alcohol; 
2. e-cigarettes;
3. e-liquids; 
4. drugs; 
5. herbal substances, incl. substances used for recreational or medicinal purposes; vaporizers, etc.
Animal products and human remains e.g.: 
1. living animals; 
2. items crafted from endangered or critically endangered species; 
3. items made from feline or canine parts;
4. ivory or ivory-derived materials from animals, such as tusks, elk tusks, fossilized ivory, and mammoth ivory; 
5. items made from human remains or derivatives, excl. teeth, fingernails and hair.
Hazardous products: dangerous substances, recalled items, and weapons e.g.: 
1. Dangerous substances: 
a) explosive substances (including fireworks or sparklers); 
b) precursors to explosives; 
c) flammable items; gases; radioactive materials; 
d) toxic substances (such as poisons); 
e) individual or loose lithium-ion batteries.
2. Recalled items:
Items recalled by either the government or the manufacturer should not be sold.
3. Weapons:
a) guns;
b) knives (not kitchen knives), and/or other clearly identifiable weapons, even if they are vintage;
c) imitation weapons; 
d) ammunitions, designs, sketches or instructions for creating prohibited weapons.
Items promoting hate or violence e.g.:
1. items endorsing contemporary or historical groups that promote or glorify hate, incl. propaganda or collectibles. Also racist, misogynistic, homophobic, anti-immigrant, or Holocaust-denying groups.
2. Items featuring racist remarks or derogatory language towards protected groups.
Illegal items, items promoting illegal activity, and items regulated by law internationally regulated items e.g.: 
1. unauthorised or counterfeit items;
2. personal data;
3. legally regulated items, incl. currency and real estate;
4. listing that promote or enable illegal activities, such as:
a) imitation or impersonation
b) evasion of detection for illegal activities; and
c) fabricated qualifications.
Nudity and content intended for adults (18+) e.g.:
1. images of the sexualisation of minors;
2. pornography;
3. adult content such as printed or visual materials featuring human genitalia, sexual activity or content, profane language, sexual wellness items, violent images.

Allowed: non-pornographic nude photography and images of breasts.
Items promoting or glorifying violence. 1. items glorifying human suffering or tragedies, such as those commemorating serial killers;
2. items exploiting natural disasters or human tragedies;
3. items encouraging violence against individuals or groups, glorifying or celebrating it;
4. items promoting self-mutilation; starvation, or other self-harm;
5. items promoting or endorsing harmful disinformation.



8. Limitation of liability

The liability of SQUIBBLE is limited as outlined in this article 8. 

To the extent permitted by the applicable law, SQUIBBLE and its suppliers shall not be liable for any general, special, direct, indirect, consequential, incidental or other damages to the User or Website Visitor, including loss of or damage to data, loss of profits, loss of saving and any claim by any third party arising out of the right to access and use the Website or Platform. 

Should SQUIBBLLE or its suppliers be held liable by a competent court of law, notwithstanding this provision, the liability, if any, of SQUIBBLLE and its suppliers shall in any event be limited to the amount of 10.000EUR per year, unless in case of wilful misconduct or in case of death or bodily injury. In the aforementioned case the lability of SQUIBBLLE will be limited to the coverage which the insurance is willing to pay. 

Concerning the Content and the communications between Users 

8.1. SQUIBBLLE draws attention to the fact that it is not the owner of the Content uploaded by Users and therefore is not liable for said Content, nor for any defects, deficiencies or the illegal nature thereof.  

8.2. SQUIBBLLE does not guarantee the displayed Content does not infringe any applicable laws or any rights or interests of third parties or visitors to the Website. SQUIBBLLE does not guarantee any post of a User or any image uploaded by a User is correct, complete and up-to-date. 

8.3. We disclaim all liability for Content uploaded by Users in violation of rights of third parties, applicable criminal law or the public order and morality. If one takes notice of the presence of such content and feels his/her property rights have been violated, he should immediately inform SQUIBBLLE allowing the latter to take appropriate measures in conformity with the Content Moderation Policy.  

8.4. The User who uploaded Content or posted a message is solely liable therefore as well as for any possible resulting claims or legal consequences. Users will indemnify SQUIBBLLE and safeguard for any claim for damages and all related costs of visitors or third parties arising from the breach or violation of rights by the uploaded Content for which he is solely responsible. 

8.5. Users cannot hold SQUIBBLLE liable for content posted by other Users, conduct of other Users or Content uploaded by other Users.  

8.6. In case of a dispute with another User, User shall not hold SQUIBBLE liable and shall indemnify SQUIBBLLE for any type of claims, demands and damages resulting from said dispute or connected to it in any way. 

Concerning the products and/or services in the Webshop:

The User acknowledges and accepts that SQUIBBLLE disclaims any liability for the products or services sold through the Website and Platform. The User understands and agrees that the liability concerning such products or services is governed by the specific terms of sale established by the Vendor of those products or services.

SQUIBBLE makes no warranties, express or implied, regarding the quality, safety, legality, or suitability of the products or services offered by Vendors on the Website and Platform.

Concerning the Website and/or Platform

8.7. SQUIBBLLE pays the utmost attention and care to the content of the Website and Platform. However, this content is subject to changes, may at any time be removed and is made available to you without any express or implied warranties of correctness. SQUIBBLE is not liable for damages resulting from the use in any way of contents of the Website or Platform or for damage caused by distributing it, regardless of whether this content was correct or incorrect. 

8.8. SQUIBBLLE makes every effort to grant access to the Website and Platform 24/7. Given the technical characteristics of the Internet and the information technology, and given the need for periodic maintenance, updates or upgrades, however, we cannot warrant uninterrupted access and services. In case of acceptable discontinuance, interruption or disruption of access or services, we will do everything in our power to correct it within the shortest possible delay. Such normally acceptable interruptions or disturbances are specific to services via the Internet and cannot be considered as defects or default. They will in no case give rise to liability to any damages or other remedy. 

8.9. SQUIBBLLE pays the utmost attention and care to the presence of hyperlinks to the websites of third parties. We cannot guarantee that these links will work. SQUIBBLLE does not warrant the timely and legible arrival of e-mails that can be sent via the internal messaging system. We are not liable for the accuracy of the information published on the websites of third parties. In case of normal acceptable disruption of the functioning of these hyperlinks or the internal e-mail service, SQUIBBLLE will do everything possible to remedy this within the shortest possible delay. This can in no case give rise to liability to any damages or remedy. 

8.10. SQUIBBLLE cannot be held liable for the loss of data due to a technical malfunction or human error. 

8.11. SQUIBBLLE cannot be held responsible or liable for indirect damage, including but not limited to the loss of money or reputation, or for any other specific direct, indirect or consequential damages arising out of, or in any way related to, the use of the Website and the use of the Platform. Where appropriate, we exclude warranty and liability if and to the extent permitted by the applicable law. 

8.12. User indemnifies SQUIBBLLE against any claim by governments or third parties for infringement of any kind of these Terms of Use and User will reimburse in full any damage SQUIBBLLE may sustain by his/her acts or omissions on the Website. 

9. Intellectual property rights

9.1. The content of the Website originating from SQUIBBLLE itself, including the trademarks, logos, drawings, data, product or company names, texts, images, etc. is protected by intellectual property rights and belongs to SQUIBBLLE, where these rights are not vested in third parties whose material has been made available on the Website.

9.2. We respect the intellectual property of others and ask Users of the Website to do the same. Intellectual property rights on Content posted by Users will not be transferred to us but will remain vested with the User. The User however, grants a license to other Users and to SQUIBBLLE to use the Content he/she has posted for sharing purposes.  

9.3. If anyone believes his intellectual property rights have been violated, he/she should notify SQUIBBLLE by e-mail or using the form available on the Website as soon as possible. If the Content infringes intellectual property rights, SQUIBBLLE will remove it. More details about the notification procedure can be found in our Content Moderation Policy.

10. Content moderation

10.1. SQUIBBLLE can moderate the User’s Content, including listings, messages, reviews, images, videos, and other content published on the Platform and Website as described in our Content Moderation Policy.

11. Data Protection

11.1. Our Privacy Policy outlines the collection, usage, and sharing of your information when you use our the Website and/or Platform. By using our Website and/or Platform, you consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with the provisions outlined in the Privacy Policy.

12. Force Majeure

12.1. SQUIBBLLE cannot be held liable for the breach of these Terms of Use  if the default is caused by an event qualified as Force Majeure, such as war, strikes, natural disasters, labor disputes, lockouts, pandemics, governmental actions or regulations, telecommunication failures, cyberattacks, or  any other unforeseeable events beyond the control of SQUIBBLLE. 

12.2. If such a situation occurs, we shall make reasonable efforts to resume our obligations as soon as practicable after the termination of the Force Majeure event.

13. Modifications

13.1. Upon modification of these Terms of Use, the new version shall be available on the Website and Platform. This new version shall apply from User’s next visit to the Website or Platform. From that moment, User shall be deemed to have taken note of this and to agree to this new version. It is important to verify the date of the last update at each visit to the Website. 

14. Entire agreement

14.1. If any provision of these Terms of Use proves to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of the Terms shall remain in full force. SQUIBBLLE will replace the null / nullified stipulation, with the intent of the null / nullified stipulation to be taken into account. 

15. Use of Cookies

15.1. During a visit to the Website, cookies may be installed on the hard disk drive of your computer in order to improve the Website’s functions to the needs of the returning visitor. These cookies are not used to track the surfing habits (to other websites) of visitors. Your internet browser allows you to prevent the use of cookies, to receive a warning when a cookie is installed or to remove the cookies from your hard drive. Please consult the help function of your web browser. 

15.2. Please refer to our Cookie Policy, available at www.squibblle.com.

16. Applicable law and jurisdiction

16.1. These Terms of Use shall be governed, interpreted and enforced in accordance with Belgian law, which applies exclusively to any possible dispute.

16.2. The courts of Belgium have sole jurisdiction to rule on any dispute that may arise from the interpretation or implementation of these Terms of Use. 

17. Contact & complaints

For any additional information, comments or complaints concerning these Terms of Use or the use of the Platform you may contact SQUIBBLLE at support@squibblle.com

Any complaint or dispute must be sent by mail and will be answered within 3 working days. If we can’t provide you with an immediate reply to your complaint we will inform you, before the expiration of the reply term, on when you can expect a full reply.